This page is my junk drawer. Nothing here seems to belong anywhere else!
| Food | Shopping | Food and Shopping | Other Strangeness |
Visit Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream! Information on their company, discontinued flavors, lots of fun stuff!
Here's the page for the Pillsbury company. It has recipes and information relating to Pillsbury products. This includes the Jolly Green Giant and Haagen-Dazs!
This is the World Wide Recipes site. You can subscribe and get gourmet recipes emailed to you every day!
This site is called The Calorie Control Council. Sounds pretty nasty (calories are our friends!) but it's got a lot of good information about healthy eating, plus a couple of calorie calculators that help you track what you're eating.
This is a cool site - Top Secret Recipes lists recipes to create "clones" of brand-name foods. Try to make your own Girl Scout Cookies, Frappuccino, or Big Mac sauce!
Hall Glass Studios is a place where you can view and purchase beautiful glasswork, including suncatchers, jewelry and other items! You can also commission custom work, so if you like the look of glass, check this out. There are some amazing pieces!
Colorful Images is a cool place to shop. They sell "personalized paper products" like stationery, return address labels, video and cassette tape labels, bookplate labels, notepads - all kinds of things!
Are you looking for an item? Something collectible you could buy once but can't find anymore? Someone in this world probably has one that they are selling. Look at Ebay, an online auction center. There are thousands of categories and items and it is easy to search through them. Happy bidding - don't get addicted!
If the idea of bidding doesn't appeal to you, try They are an ebay company, so they are set up in a style similar to ebay. The difference is, people list items for sale instead of auction, so everything is for sale instantly, and you can find some pretty good prices!
Browse through the online Spencer Gifts store! If you've never been in one of the stores, they have strange things like lava lamps, inflatable furniture, rock group collectible items, fog machines, disco mirror balls...
Here are a couple of pages where you can buy those products you see on TV at 2am when you aren't awake enough to call: CyberBrands and As Seen On TV. Yes, you can even order a set of Ginsu knives!
Because sometimes you just can't separate the two!
I have heard great things about Burdick handmade chocolates in New Hampshire! Their specialty is chocolate mice - they look cute but I'm not sure I could handle it!
This is a nice place to shop. The Swiss Colony also does mail order - their catalog is known as "the chocolate catalog" in my house! They have other foods too though, from meats to popcorn.
Like Swiss Colony, The Wisconsin Cheeseman has chocolate, candies, nuts, meats, cheeses and more to choose from. Wisconsin Cheeseman is usually a little less expensive.
This place has probably the best caramel corn in the world. Fisher's Popcorn, on the boardwalk in Ocean City, Maryland. You can go there and buy it if you're in the area, but you can also order it online now!
Fireside Coffee makes terrific instant coffee in great flavors. I first discovered them at a craft show, and now they're online! They have regular and decaf versions of coffee flavors like Coconut Creme, Cinnamon Chocolate, Vanilla Nut Fudge, Orange Spiced Mocha... go take a look!
A link for Christmas! This site is so much more than just food or shopping, but it fits here better than anywhere - has recipes, shopping links, places to make travel reservations, and hints to plan your whole holiday!
Live cameras are fun! Here's one that shows you what it's like now in Ocean City, Maryland, on the boardwalk outside of SportLand. It's updated every five minutes from 8am to 10pm every day. Another camera also from Ocean City is this one which is outside of the Kite Loft, and pointed toward the beach. Here are some other views: Ocean Gallery, 9th Street and Caroline Street.
Go look at the people who are on vacation while you're not!
Did you ever see those "Magic Eye" stereogram images? Could you see them? Here is the official home page for the producers of those images. They have a mail order section, which means I can have a Magic Eye calendar again!!
Meet The Pumpkin Wizard! If you want to be really creative with your Halloween jack-o-lantern, here is a site with some fantastic patterns. They aren't all Halloween related images, so you could do them anytime. There are Lord of the Rings images, Lilo and Stitch - just about anything!
The Mini-Mizer is a little game where you can make a likeness of yourself out of Legos! Very cute!
The Coffee Break Arcade is a great free collection of mostly java-based games to play. Arcade-style, board-type games and tons more! For when you have too much time on your hands or are looking for work avoidance methods.
Perpetual Bubble Wrap - pop the bubbles and hear that little "pop" sound. Then they come right back, so you can do it again!
This is cute - the Pet of the Day! Submit a picture and description of your pet and it could be famous for a day! There's also Cat of the Day and Dog of the Day.
Have you gotten an email warning you about something or telling you a story that happened to a friend of a friend? Before you get too upset, check the Urban Legends Reference Page. It might be true but often it's just an internet rumor.
Digital Photography - For What It's Worth. This page is an amazing source of information if you are considering buying a digital camera, or if you just need to know more about digital images in general.
This is a place called MakeItBig - they can design and print banners and signs for you. Like real, actual, hold in your signs or put up on the wall banners - not internet banners!
This is pretty cool - the Earth Calendar. It's a book of holidays around the world, and also tracks lunar phases.
Here is the latest news on the Westminster Kennel Club and their annual dog show. I'm not really a dog person but I love the dog show!
Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care? The Navy does - this is the Time Service Department, where you can find out what time it is RIGHT NOW - if your browser is fast enough! Oh by the way, they say the third millennium actually started January 1, 2001. So there (Points off if you didn't realize we're in the THIRD millennium).
Need to check the weather? Try the Weather Underground. Forecast, satellite maps - take a look!
This is actually pretty useful - the Universal Currency Converter. Convert from pretty much any worldwide currency to any other.
Have you noticed strange quarters in your pocket change lately? The Fifty State Quarters Program is a program the US Mint will be on for the next ten years, releasing a quarter for each of the fifty states, five per year. Don't get too crazy about collecting them, it's not going to be hard - they are the ONLY quarters that will be made for the next ten years! If you want something that will be scarce, start saving the 'normal' quarters, with the eagles on the back!
The first step to having a universal translator - the Alta Vista babel fish. This page can do shaky translations from English to French, German, Italian, Portuguese, or Spanish. It can also translate back. Careful though, results can be pretty spotty!
Come to
FROGLAND! Real frogs, animated frogs, scientific information, how to keep a frog as a pet, famous frogs, it's just a huge frog-o-rama!
This is a very cool page. Ever wonder How Stuff Works?. Like a smoke detector, or a thermos, or a suntan? Lots of varied information here!
Anyone else out there used to be on Qlink? This was a network for Commodore 64 users and evolved into America On Line. You'll notice I'm not on AOL myself, but I digress. This Qlink Page has links to things you'll remember, like the upload screens.
A seasonal link to save for Christmas -!
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Last updated March 1, 2007
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