Return to Boston
Going to a concert in Boston was a little of a blast from the (recent) past for me. I used to work in Boston, and during the time I lived in the area, I took advantage of the big city and saw a lot of shows at a lot of venues of all sizes. I had been to Harborlights (when it was still called that) several years ago and was not too impressed - there had been a near hurricane the night before and there was a lot of damage, but rather than call off the show, they had delayed it while they repaired the stage. However there is a curfew that says concerts must end at 11pm - wouldn't want to disturb the takeoff and landing of planes at Logan Airport right next door, after all - so the show still ended on time. Also, the seats I had for that show way back when were in the section farthest in the back. So bad view and a short show... I knew it was an unusual circumstance but I still had a negative impression of this venue. However, no way am I NOT going to a Styx show an hour's drive away from me, so off I went!