And that's not all!
Earlier, Tommy had mentioned that if they looked distracted, there was a reason, and he held up a few items of lingerie that had made their way to the stage. He said, "I just wanted everyone to understand the challenges we go through up here - don't stop, though!" During the band introductions, Glen was over at Tommy's microphone, and interrupted Tommy's introduction to ask if a particular couple of items lying by the stand belonged to Tommy… Tommy did indeed claim them, so Glen put them back down - "just checking!" Introductions were made for Lawrence, Glen ("Mr. Unpredictable"), Todd, JY, Tommy, and once again, Chuck! Chuck again came out and joined the band for Fooling Yourself - he looks amazing and blew everyone away.
There was one more song newly brought back to the live set - "Snowblind," with a slightly revised introduction from JY. It was along the lines of how touring for the past twenty-one months was keeping them busy, and that was a good thing, because the devil finds things for idle hands and minds to do. He then proclaimed that the devil had nothing to do with this song - but that it did get a little help from Tommy Shaw! This is one of my favorite songs to see live and probably my favorite JY solo… I know I am over-using this word… but it was incredible.