
I don't really know why, but this particular show became a huge draw for internet Styx fans! Since so many people were going to be there, a pre-show party was planned. This was the first one of these I'd been to, and it was great! I always come back from a show and hear from people who were there that I didn't get to meet, and of course that happened this time too, but at least having a specific place and time to meet made it easier not to miss people!

We met at a restaurant called "R Place," and even though I had the address and directions, I had a little trouble finding it. Me having trouble with directions - imagine that! When I finally pulled into the the parking lot, I saw a car with the license plate "STYGIAN" - then I knew I was in the right place! Walking through the parking lot, I heard my name yelled from across the street, and looked up to see Micky and her friends heading for the same place. Very strange to be over a thousand miles from home and hear your name called out of the blue - but cool!

The party was great! I got to see some friends I hadn't seen in a long time, meet some people I'd been emailing but hadn't met in person, and talk to some new people too. There were about 35 people there, and I still don't think I got to talk to everyone! We had a great time though. We ate, talked, laughed, and played Styx Bingo! Thanks to Dixie and Laura for making it so much fun, and thanks to everyone who made and brought stuff! There were some giveaways for everyone, like door hangers, note pads, gift bags and keychains, and some other items like totebags and keepsake boxes that were given out as prizes. We had a great time!

Afterwards, some people who were staying nearby went back to their hotels to get ready for the show, and I took the opportunity to buy some tacky souvenirs (it's what I do). I got some better directions to the venue, the Crystal Grand Music Theatre, than the ones I'd gotten online. I was told, "it's a huge pink building - you can't miss it." Well, "you can't miss it" usually means I'll drive right by it, but not in this case. Sure enough, it's a huge pink building you really can't miss! 


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