
...to the Dells! Otherwise known as Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, April 13, 2002. When I first found out about this show back in November, I knew I wanted to go, since Wisconsin is one of my favorite vacation spots. But I didn't know if it would work out, since I was looking to change jobs. So I bought a ticket anyway, "just in case." I should know by now that a ticket in my hand means I will find a way to get to the show! So let's go!

Crystal Grand sign

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Index of Pages

Here's tonight's assortment... I think I got carried away again!

Styx  pg  1   2   3   4   5   6   7  8

Individual photos: JY  pg  1   2   3   4  |  Tommy pg  1  2   |  Glen  pg  1  2  |  Lawrence  |  Todd  |  Chuck

If you have comments or find any bad links, please email me!

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