Nostalgia Plus

Tommy - Crystal BallBefore "Crystal Ball," Tommy mentioned how appropriate it was that they were playing in this theatre, since it was sort of named after two Styx albums: like he said, "It's the Crystal... Ball... Grand... Illusion... Theatre." He also mentioned that there were panties hanging on the end of his guitar. This means Cindy made it up to the stage! 

Tommy also mentioned that he had been looking at VH1's website, "to see when our Behind The Music was going to be on again," and saw that VH1 mentioned Styx touring on "the nostalgia circuit." He said he'd have to email them and tell them that in between concert dates, Styx is in the studio working on a new album! That news got a very enthusiastic response from the crowd!


Tommy - Miss AmericaThere is so much going on during a Styx show, it's impossible to see it all - sometimes I miss things going on right in front of me because I'm looking across stage (okay, usually at JY). But one thing I'm glad I didn't miss was Laura, standing beside me and playing Tommy's guitar for a long, LONG time during "Miss America"! I kind of sort of got a picture! What I wish I had a picture of though, is her face when the song was over - she was one happy girl!


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