
Something else that got a very enthusiastic response from the crowd was when Chuck came out on stage! He joined the rest of the guys for "Fooling Yourself" and then again for "Come Sail Away" and "Renegade." It's always so good to see him up on the stage! 

Chuck - CSA Glen - CSA Todd and JY - CSA

For "Come Sail Away," I called Debbie again. I intended to call only for that song, but to be honest, I forgot about the phone and just left it on! Halfway through the introductions before "Renegade" I remembered, but I thought it would be cruel to turn it off then. I knew my battery was going to die soon anyway, so I let it go. Debbie said it lasted through about half of Renegade!

rolling along...

The show was amazing!  Thanks for another great show, guys!


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