Buses and beyond

And she got the stick!After the show, it's always hard to get back to reality, and one no one really feels like trying too hard to do it! We talked for a while, and compared notes. Turns out that Claire, the five-year-old girl who had made the gift bags for all of us at the pre-show party, had gotten a drumstick from Todd, with the help of a very sweet sign! (Oh yes, her parents Shelley and Brian were there too!)

Eventually we cleared out of the theatre, and a few people went back to wait by the buses to say good night to the guys. Most of them came out and stopped and signed autographs. I loved the reactions they got! Glen was the first one out, and the squeals were loud enough to burst eardrums in Minnesota! Why I didn't think to take any pictures then is beyond me, but I didn't.

We had fun while we were waiting! I didn't know any of the people around me, but everyone was in a good mood, and just jumped into any conversation. Or maybe that's just me. We were talking about the other Styx shows coming up in Wisconsin over the summer, and someone asked me if I was going to any of those, and I said that I wouldn't be able to make the trip back out, which led to me telling my story of coming from 1200 miles away for the show. People seemed to think it was unusual that I traveled that far, and that that this was my 25th Styx show. I tried to tell them that in some circles, that makes me an amateur! There was a very nice guy standing next to me who had been quizzing me on everyone's names - not that he was testing me, he just wanted to make sure he went home knowing who everyone was. When he heard about my traveling, he said cautiously, "You know, you seem like a nice lady... but you really need a life!" He said it not as an insult, but as concern for my mental health! I assured him that I have a life, and it's just that one of the best parts of it is using Styx as a reason to travel around the country, see family and friends, and make new friends. As a bonus, I get an adrenaline rush that I don't know another legal means of obtaining. Sounds like a good life to me!

Cher, JY and Madonna picksI said I didn't take any pictures, and while I didn't get any of the band, one of the people I met, Tina, did let me take a picture of her haul of guitar picks! Bet you didn't know Cher and Madonna had joined Styx!  Those are Glen's - of course!

One other funny thing happened - Russ, the stage manager, had been chatting with all of us while he helped pack and load all the equipment, and when they were almost ready to go, someone asked if they could have the t-shirt he was wearing that said "crew" on it! He laughed, but then disappeared for a minute, and came back wearing a clean sweatshirt and carrying the t-shirt, which he tossed to the girl who had asked for it! What a nice guy!

After the buses pulled away, we all headed back to our cars - I got into my car just as they turned all the lights out in the parking lot! Guess we were the last bunch out!

At the moment I drove away, my next scheduled show was July, back home in New Hampshire... but you know what they say about famous last words! You never know where I'll turn up next - I don't know that kind of information myself!  What a great night! Thanks to everyone who was part of it! 


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