Gotta get up!

As the seats filled up, an announcer's voice came over the PA system, welcoming us to the Crystal Grand. He announced some shows that were coming up soon, and when he got to the name "Donny Osmond," a kind of laugh came from the audience. It was so sudden and spontaneous that it caught the announcer off guard and he laughed too, and broke out of his deep announcer voice for a minute to say, "Hey, you'd be surprised folks, there aren't many tickets left!" They might not have wanted to admit it, but I'd bet there were a good number of people there that night who came back for Donny!

At last he announced that STYX would be out soon! When the lights went down, Laura and Lori and I got up on our feet. The people directly behind us (NOT Jan and Sharon, I want to point out) complained, so for the moment we sat back down. But as soon as the band came out, we couldn't help it - we were back up again! As a compromise, we didn't stand right there in front of the people in the row behind us; we went right up to the stage so they could see over our heads. Wasn't that thoughtful of us? We weren't alone at the stage for long, either - other people wanted to be up close too, and why not? It's a STYX show!


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